Friday, March 20, 2009

*~How Merges Go Wrong~*

Here, I combined a T-Rex with a dragon to show that they are merged wrongly and can't survive if it does exists...

Besides that, I also merge a lion with a zebra.. A lion is a carnivour while zebra is a herbivour. This is very obvious shown that this animal can't survive with each other if they are merged together..

Thursday, March 19, 2009


My love for you is as high as mountain, and your love is like the oxygen from air which i breathe in to survive......

Chilli is a flavour which I add into my meal everyday, and it is the same of how much I need you in my life everyday....

To move a car, turning on the engine will be the first step as well as in our life where we need to take our first step to keep moving on....

A fisrt love is like the first bite of an ice-cream where we easily to get pain and it melts easily although it is as sweet as an ice-cream....

Love is like a card holder where you are the cards inside the card holder and I will bring you everywhere I all the wil always be with me...

Happiness in life is like time which is endless.....

A true love between two individual can be strong and eternal even though they are from different world....

Women is like a garbage that always together with a dustbin which helps to keep the environment clean..where it is the same with how much we need women to build up our society nowadays..

*~Mind Map~*

This is the mind map about the evil side of me...

Although it's about the evil side, but it is the "positive" side of the evil about me >.<

* Avatar *

This is the avatar that my friend Tan Jaw Yuh from Digital Media, draw to represent me based on my persoanl attitute and behaviours.
He draw this avatar based on my below attitudes and behaviours:
  1. Friendly
  2. Warm
  3. Fat
  4. Game freak
  5. Kind
  6. Stubborn
  7. Soft heart
  8. Easily get hurt
  9. Helpful hand
  10. Happy go lucky

Meanwhile, below are the avatar that I draw to represent back to my friend based on his personal attitude and behaviours...

  1. Lovely
  2. Caring
  3. Easily get hurt
  4. Game freak
  5. Likes to sleep
  6. Quiet
  7. Bad tempered
  8. Likes to cry
  9. Handsome
  10. Lazy

Monday, March 9, 2009

~* Bill Gates

This is Bill Gates...The founder for Microsoft ... o_0
Once, he was the world's most rich man...but now, he's not anymore.. why?? Haha..
The answer is, who doesn't want to be the richest man??
Hmmmmm.... can you all imagine what will happen if Bill is angry because he is no longer the richest man in the world, and he eats an apple in front of Steve Jobs in public, who is the founder of Apple to show his anger and unsatisfaction???

Sunday, March 8, 2009

~* Creativity (Week3)

I feel this image is creative.....

this is because I can feel different type of feeling through tis image. Using flower as the skirt of the dancer.. this shows a lovely feeling, and i can feel the dancer is a very gentle and lovely person. From another side, i can feel the sadness and lonely feeling from this image. This is because the flower seems like dying, lack of water and there is only just one flower which resembles the feeling of loneliness..

*~ Week 3 (Creativity)


For me, creativity is the ability of someone to think outside of the box. Creativity does not come
into someone by itself. There could be someone who is creative, and someone who is not creative
all. But, it doesn't matter if someone is not creative. Creativity can be learn and practice if
someone is really have a strong will and spirit to be creative.In other view, creativity can be consider as the ability to create something thatother people could'nt come up with. Creating something which is new, special and unique requires a lot of thinking and creativity. Therefore, it is not easy for a normal people without creativity to do so.People who don't know anything about creativity might see Picasol's drawing as a bad drawing, but for creative people, they will learn, appreciate and have a big envious feeling towards his drawings and paintings because it's unique, rare and special.

*~~ Intro ~~*

Name : Chieng Tiong Beng

Student ID : 1071117042

Major : Media Innovation

Hometown : Sarikei, Sarawak

Age : 22

Hp. Number : 0166416441