Sunday, March 8, 2009

*~ Week 3 (Creativity)


For me, creativity is the ability of someone to think outside of the box. Creativity does not come
into someone by itself. There could be someone who is creative, and someone who is not creative
all. But, it doesn't matter if someone is not creative. Creativity can be learn and practice if
someone is really have a strong will and spirit to be creative.In other view, creativity can be consider as the ability to create something thatother people could'nt come up with. Creating something which is new, special and unique requires a lot of thinking and creativity. Therefore, it is not easy for a normal people without creativity to do so.People who don't know anything about creativity might see Picasol's drawing as a bad drawing, but for creative people, they will learn, appreciate and have a big envious feeling towards his drawings and paintings because it's unique, rare and special.

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