Proposed Primary Target Audience
a) Age : 20 - 27 years old
b) Gender: Male and female
c) Education: High school, colleges and universities
d) Occupation: Students, part-timer, working young adults (male and female)
e) Income range : Students ( Allowance : RM300 – RM600 )
Part-timer ( Salary: RM600 – RM1500)
Working young adults ( Salary: RM1800- RM5000)
f) Race and ethnicity: Muslims, Chinese, Indians and foreigners
g) Geographical location: Urban area
a) Perception:
Most consumers feel that Magnum ice cream is delicious. Consumers like the feel of elegant. Due to the elegant look of Magnum, it will influence them to buy and eat it. Consumers enjoy the Magnum ice cream a lot as a way to release stress from school and office work. They willing to spend their money to eat in order to satisfy themselves.
b) Learning:
Consumers learn the product through TV advertisements, TV commercials, internet, friends and even from family.
c) Motivations and Needs
Consumer will look for other flavor and taste of the product. They would like to taste something which is new. Consumer also want to feel elegant and high class and this is why they choose Magnum ice cream because it gives them the feel of it. Everyone wants to be happy, therefore consumers will look for Magnum ice cream which can provide them full satisfaction and bring happiness to them.
d) Attitude and Personality
Consumers mostly are from those who love to enjoy their life. Some of them eat ice cream just to spend their free time. Consumers also are fun-loving type. They love to have fun by eating ice creams.
e) Lifestyle
Consumers are mostly from teenagers. Consumers are from busy lifestyle. As students, part-timer or working person, they have a lot of works to do. They also live a fun lifestyle where they know how to have fun by eating ice cream together with their friends or colleagues. Consumers also live an active and sporting lifestyle, where they choose to eat Magnum ice cream as a trend for them.
Proposed Secondary Target Audience
a) Age : 35 - 45 years old
b) Gender: Male and female
c) Education: None
d) Occupation: Working men and women adults
e) Income range : Working men and women adults ( Salary: RM1800- RM5000)
f) Race and ethnicity: Muslims, Chinese, Indians and foreigners
g) Geographical location: Urban area
a) Perception:
Consumers are mostly have their own family. They feel that as parent, it is their responsibility to bring joy and fun to their kids by buying them delicious ice creams. They also feel that eating ice cream once in a long time can bring back their memories when they are still kids. Besides that, they feel that buying ice creams for family and spend their time eating together can strengthen their family bond. Some consumers eat ice creams to release themselves from stress from office works. On the other hand, some consumers from this age feel that eating ice cream is not a necessary thing to do due to their busy lifestyle.
b) Learning:
Consumers learn the product through TV advertisements, TV commercials, internet, friends and even from family.
c) Motivations and Needs
Consumers want to bring happiness to their family. Those who facing stress at works will certainly take a break by having an ice cream. Magnum is the good choice as it contains delicious chocolate which kids like the most. They also want to feel the satisfaction from Magnum ice cream after whole day of tiring working life.
d) Attitude and Personality
Consumers mostly have the responsibility in their personality. As parent, it is their responsibility to develop a happy family with their kids by buying them ice creams. They also know to enjoy their life. Although they are adults but they still can have a Magnum ice cream to satisfy themselves.
e) Lifestyle
Consumers are from adults. They have a busy lifestyle. As working adults, they have a lot of works to do not just from their working place, but also from their family. They also live a fun lifestyle where they know how to have fun by eating ice cream together with their colleagues. Consumers also live healthy lifestyle. As their age grow older, they need to take good care of their health. They also need to take care the health of their children. Therefore, Wall’s Magnum ice cream is a good choice as it will not cause any harms to health.